Wide office in the down town area (sample) |
SN: S750 2012-02-01 10:10 |
价格 |
1200 Lakh Ks (≒52173 US$, 1US$≒2300Ks) |
面积 |
2000 ft2 (50'x40') (=185.8 m2) |
类型 | 写字楼 |
区域 | 实皆省, Indaw |
房间 |
1 Hall(hall type), 1 Wash room, 1 Kitchen,
结构 | 砖木结构 |
楼/建筑 | *** 楼 / 12 层 |
建造年 | 11-15 年前 |
装修 | 较好 |
家具 | 无 |
空调 | 6 台 |
电梯 | 有 |
固定电话 | 有固定电话 |
停车场 | 有 |
入居时期 | 可商量 |
説明 | The location is very good. There are super market, school nearby. The design of the building is using the latest mordan architechture method. |
交通 | The transportation is very convenient, city train - Hleidan station, bus: No.23, No.43, No.40, No.78, No.123, No.439, No.234 |