
Wide office in the down town area (sample)

SN: S750  2012-02-01 10:10
价格 1200 Lakh Ks      (≒52173 US$, 1US$≒2300Ks)
面积 2000 ft2 (50'x40')    (=185.8 m2)
类型写字楼 区域实皆省, Indaw
房间 1 Hall(hall type),  1 Wash room,  1 Kitchen,  
结构砖木结构 楼/建筑*** 楼 / 12 层
建造年11-15 年前 装修较好
家具 空调6 台
电梯 固定电话有固定电话
停车场 入居时期可商量
説明The location is very good. There are super market, school nearby. The design of the building is using the latest mordan architechture method.
交通The transportation is very convenient, city train - Hleidan station, bus: No.23, No.43, No.40, No.78, No.123, No.439, No.234


Sky Bridge Co., Ltd.

电话01-2303085, 01-2303086 Emailrealestate@myanmarsb.com
地址No.237-239, China Town Condo 8F, Corner of 10th street and Anawrahta Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon