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Great pagoda view condominium with reasonable price!(sample)

SN: S206  2012-02-01 10:10
価格 800 Lakh Ks      (≒34782 US$, 1US$≒2300Ks)
面積 1500 ft2 (50'x30')    (=139.35 m2)
種類マンション 場所モラミャイン市, Phet Tan
部屋 1 Master bed room,  2 Bed room,  1 Living room,  1 Dining room,  1 Maid room,  1 Wash room,  1 Kitchen,  
構造レンガ木造 階/建物階数*** floor / 8 階建て
築年数3-5 年前 内装普通
家具なし エアコン0 unit(s)
エレベーターなし 固定電話なし
駐車場あり 利用可能日即日
説明The location is very good. There are super market, school nearby. The design of the building is using the latest mordan architechture method.
交通The transportation is very convenient, city train - Hleidan station, bus: No.23, No.43, No.40, No.78, No.123, No.439, No.234


Sky Bridge Co., Ltd.

電話01-2303085, 01-2303086 Emailrealestate@myanmarsb.com
住所No.237-239, China Town Condo 8F, Corner of 10th street and Anawrahta Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon