Myanmar real estate info for Yangon and other cities.

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Does not work out house sale installment system because of high Interest

Currently, in order to buy housing with long-term installment system, Construction and Banks are actively advertising across the country. While loan money were paid for such long term installment system, 5 years, 10 years and now it had been sold to15 years installment.

“Those who want to buy with installment system have been draw back because of bank interest rates was high,” according to market sources.

The interest rates of 13 percent in a year is for the buyer 15 years installment if buying a room, it seem to pay interest for one more room.

Over the past week, Ma Yin Yin from Pazundaung Township went to a housing exhibition and observed in order to buy a house for herself. There she said her attitude that “I really do not like that for one month interest has to pay if buying a room. I delighted Long term installment system, but interest is too much,” she said her view point.