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Magway City
Land & industry properties


A land in a quiet residence area (sample)
in Kyaung Tet Lan, Sittwe City

SN: L341  
Price400 Lakh Ks     (≒17391 US$, 1US$≒2300Ks)
Spaceland space: 30000 ft2      (=2787m2)
TypeNormal land Sale or rentFor sale
Type of land Seller named grant Store house -----

WaterYes Electricity-----
Generator----- Telephone-----
Available DateImmediately
ExplanationThe location is very good. There are super market, school and park nearby. It's not a good land property for building house, but also for investment.
TransportationCity train, bus No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5, the transportation is very convenient!!
  • Myanmar real estate - land property

Agent / Owner information


ABC Real Estate Co., Ltd.(sample)

Phone01-2303085, 01-2303086
AddressNo.237-239, China Town Condo 8F, Corner of 10th street and Anawrahta Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon
Myanmar rent a car

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