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Half of Sittwe Waterfront project was finished and start to sell

Myanmar real estate news Rakhaine State government and BXT International Companies to implement Sittwe water front project on land 90 Acre along the bank of Sittwe River in Rakhaine State. Now developer has already completed of half of the project,” said electricity, Industrial and transportation Minister U Aung Kyaw Zan.

Minister added that for this project they will spent $ 1 million over.
That project is a project to build a new city along the bank of the river and it will complete at the end of 2018.

“The benefits which received from the project would be offer for Rakhaine state development,” on December 28 in Yangon Central Hotel, the press conference about the project and the minister further said.

He added that “they will check whether the environmental impact of the project there would be no harm to the industry was to continue.”

“Investment could be allowed up to five million US dollars for Rakhaine State development. The state is set as at least developed zones with tax exemption for investors,” the minister added.